Who doesn't like food? I'm pretty sure
everyone likes to eat... but who doesn't like to cook and bake? Sure
not everyone likes to or maybe not everyone has the time or is too
intimidated by it... Yup I was there once, scared of the stove and
oven, wondering if i would ever have the courage to make more than
scrambled eggs and quesadillas. But all of that changed in April of
2011... I got married and didn’t know how to cook! I realized that
I needed to make an effort to change my ways. So I did what any girl
would do, I bought cook books (lots of cook books!), looked up
recipes online, sometimes came up with recipes on my own and I even
took some cooking and baking classes at the local community college.
I slowly realized that not all the recipes out there are all that
good. Some recipes were just too complicated! They required a
professional kitchen and at least 5 hands. Some of them just didn’t
taste very good even though I’d followed all the steps correctly,
I'm talking about dry cakes, bland soups and burnt chickens. They are
boring too! I love lasagna, but sometimes I crave something more
exotic, more international. The world is full of amazing food and
each country has it's own style cuisine. I want to explore making all
kinds of food, but keeping it simple at the same time. I know it can
be done! There are tons of websites with thousands of recipes, but no
guarantees. I think that by making a blog that only has a few tried
and true recipes and plenty of introduction, explanation, commentary
and pictures I can really help people that are in the position I was
in. Bottom line; anyone can cook, I can help you... or we can help
each other, remember I’m no pro. Here you will find the best and
simplest recipes that I have personally tried and liked. Hope you
Con amor, Claudia
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